Contact Information

Derrick Meads
Director, Marketing and Strategic Communications

363 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

(859) 323-4761

Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Every site on our web platform is tagged with code that allows Google Analytics to track web analytics. We use these analytics to create analytics reports through Looker Studio. We can set up these reports to be sent at routine periods (e.g., weekly, monthly, annually).

Requesting a Web Analytics Report

  1. Open our Web Support Request form.
  2. Enter your name and email address.
  3. Select Analytics Request from the request type drop-down selector.
  4. Enter the URL for the site for which you're requesting analytics.
  5. Select a recurrence option (one-time or recurring).
  6. Optional: Add any optional metrics you want added beyond the standard report metrics.
  7. Click the Submit button.

The request will be added to Web Services' task queue. An email will be sent to you once the task is complete (with the report attached if it was a one-time request).

Contact Information

Derrick Meads
Director, Marketing and Strategic Communications

363 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012

(859) 323-4761